Sunday, October 19, 2008

Back to the land of the living

Well, it's Sunday and I'm still alive. Praise the Lord! After a week of bedrest and some interesting tests at the clinic I have survived my bout with the flu and a stomach virus without any medication! (unless Gatorade counts) The doctor was pretty sure that it was viral and decided to wait it out instead of risking harming the baby with antibiotics. I guess I can agree with him now, but I was not too happy as I "waited it out" flopping from one side of the bed to the other and eating saltine crackers. It's true what they can have too much of a good thing! I don't think I'll want any chicken broth for a long, long time. This morning I actually made it to church. I got a little teary-eyed during the song service and remained sitting while everyone else stood up, but it was good to be back in the Lord's house on the Lord's day. Tomorrow we shall attempt to go back to work. Thanks for your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I've struck gold! I'm gonna love reading this thing!Glad to see that you're feeling a bit better!
